Dressings that minimize the risk of leakage and injury to the wound while protecting it from bacteria. They are non-traumatic as they are painlessly removed without leaving residue. They consist of a porous adhesive gauze layer, hypoallergenic and breathable, which protects against microorganisms. T..
3M Nexcare ColdHot Mini are dimensiunea de 11cm x 12cm (ideal pentru obraz, mana, deget, incheietura).Solid si fiabil, nu curge. Reutilizabil, poate fi spalat manual.Toate produsele din gama 3M Nexcare ColdHot sunt plicuri sudate termic care contin un gel flexibil netoxic.Aceste perne pot fi pastrat..
Crioterapia si Termoterapia sunt o modalitate ideala de a reduce durerea si de a vindeca rapid rana. Pentru o modalitate usoara de crioterapie sau termoterapie, utilizati pachetul de gheata Heater 3M Nexcare ColdHot,Pachetele de gheata / sticlele de apa fierbinte 3M Nexcare ColdHot pa de incredere s..
Nexcare ColdHot Therapy Pack Maxi este destinat sa ofere o raceala sau caldura superficiala. Raceala ajuta la reducerea umflaturilor, inflamatiei si durerii. Caldura ajuta la reducerea durerii, calmeaza si relaxeaza. Gelul este non-toxic si sigur pentru intreaga familie.Puterea terapeutica naturala ..
Dressings that minimize the risk of leakage and injury to the wound while protecting it from bacteria. They are non-traumatic as they are painlessly removed without leaving residue. They consist of a porous adhesive gauze layer, hypoallergenic and breathable, which protects against microorganisms. T..
Dressing gel from Nexcare, which is placed in the area of of the eyes and provides relaxation, relieving swelling, reducing dark circles, and improving their tired appearance...