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Branduri: BAYER
Cu calciu si magneziu care ajuta digestia. Cu aroma de menta.Mod de utilizare: Pentru copiii cu varsta peste 12 ani si adulti, se recomanda administrarea a 2 comprimate masticabile, de preferat dupa masa sau la indicatia medicului.Informatii nutritionale per comprimat masticabil: Metale: Calciu: 272..
23.15Lei 30.07Lei
Ex Tax:19.45Lei
Branduri: 3M
Dressings that minimize the risk of leakage and injury to the wound while protecting it from bacteria. They are non-traumatic as they are painlessly removed without leaving residue. They consist of a porous adhesive gauze layer, hypoallergenic and breathable, which protects against microorganisms. T..
12.53Lei 15.66Lei
Ex Tax:10.53Lei
Branduri: 3M
Dressings that minimize the risk of leakage and injury to the wound while protecting it from bacteria. They are non-traumatic as they are painlessly removed without leaving residue. They consist of a porous adhesive gauze layer, hypoallergenic and breathable, which protects against microorganisms. T..
18.19Lei 22.73Lei
Ex Tax:15.28Lei
Branduri: 3M
Benzi sterile pentru suturarea pielii, confectionate dintr-un material netesut poros acoperit de un adeziv sensibil la presiune, hipoalergic si intarite cu fir de poliester pentru o sustinere superioara.Aparitia cicatricilor redusa considerabil in comparatie cu utilizarea capsatoarelor de piele si a..
5.15Lei 6.44Lei
Ex Tax:4.33Lei
Branduri: 3M
Benzi sterile pentru suturarea pielii, confectionate dintr-un material netesut poros acoperit de un adeziv sensibil la presiune, hipoalergic si intarite cu fir de poliester pentru o sustinere superioara.Aparitia cicatricilor redusa considerabil in comparatie cu utilizarea capsatoarelor de piele si a..
7.29Lei 9.11Lei
Ex Tax:6.13Lei
Branduri: 3M
Benzi sterile pentru suturarea pielii, confectionate dintr-un material netesut poros acoperit de un adeziv sensibil la presiune, hipoalergic si intarite cu fir de poliester pentru o sustinere superioara.Aparitia cicatricilor redusa considerabil in comparatie cu utilizarea capsatoarelor de piele si a..
7.29Lei 9.11Lei
Ex Tax:6.13Lei
Branduri: 3M
The standard for wound closure and wound support.
Reinforced Steri-Strip skin closures are used in the closure of lacerations, surgical incisions and following early suture/staple removal.
Nonwoven, rayon-backed material reinforced with filaments for strength
Microporous material
6.12Lei 7.65Lei
Ex Tax:5.14Lei
Branduri: Aboca
Organic ointment for the prevention & treatment of hemorrhoids
Relief from: pain, burning sensation, itching of the anal and perianal area
Medical device
Suitable for frequent use & for extended time periods
Suitable during pregnancy & lactation
Protection of the anal mucosa
71.15Lei 88.94Lei
Ex Tax:59.79Lei
Branduri: Bioplax Limited
Apa de gura pentru afte si ulcere bucaleCu acid hialuronicNu contine alcoolAftamed(r) Oral Mouthwash este o apa de gura orala pentru ulcere bucale si afte. Amelioreaza durerea imediat, facilitand vindecarea. Ideal pentru leziunile ulcerative recurente ale cavitatii bucale (aftoasa recurenta).In cazu..
59.30Lei 74.13Lei
Ex Tax:49.84Lei
Branduri: AG Pharm
Solutie de etanol
adecvata pentru dezinfectarea mainilor si a corpului.Ideal pentru frecare
corporala.Capac de siguranta
usor de utilizatFara parabeni, fara
9.13Lei 12.17Lei
Ex Tax:7.67Lei
Product DescriptionCream for dermatological use
Instead of cortisone
Ideal for skin diseasesFrezyderm Anticort Cream is a cream for dermatological use instead of cortisone, which reduces inflammation and irritation, strengthens the skin barrier and provides soothing and antibacterial act..
69.85Lei 93.13Lei
Ex Tax:58.69Lei
Branduri: BAYER
Product DescriptionIntensive care balm
For skin with new tattoo
With panthenol
Care & protection
Quick repair
Clinically / dermatologically tested on tattooed skin
Does not contain preservatives & fragrancesBepanthol Tattoo Balm soothes, moisturizes and repairs skin ..
36.02Lei 46.78Lei
Ex Tax:30.27Lei
Branduri: Compeed
COMPEED Plasture invizibil pentru herpes ofera pana la 12* ore de tratament continuu pentru a vindeca rapid si pentru a reduce semnificativ formarea crustelor, comparativ cu unguentele cu aciclovir 5%. Mai mult, deoarece actioneaza ca un scut impotriva virusului, plasturele reduce riscul de contamin..
68.39Lei 85.48Lei
Ex Tax:57.47Lei
Branduri: Pharmasept
Crema regeneranta cu actiune specializata pentru fata si corp. Protejeaza si intareste impotriva iritatiei si uscaciunii. Compozitia sa calmeaza zona afectata, ofera un efect hidratant si antiseptic, sporind in acelasi timp regenerarea pielii. Este indicat dupa indepartarea parului, barbierit sau pe..
30.51Lei 38.14Lei
Ex Tax:25.64Lei
Branduri: Fidia
Acid hialuronic Sare de sodiu 0,2% Colagenaza (de la Vibrio Alginolyticus) Tub de unguent pentru uz localHyalo4 Start este indicat pentruManagementul local al plagilor cronice. In special, este destinat sa ofere un mediu umed optim si o pregatire a patului de rani care sustine procesul natural.Hyalo..
144.90Lei 181.13Lei
Ex Tax:121.77Lei
Branduri: Fidia
Sare de sodiu acid hialuronic 0,2%Sulfadiazina de argint 1%Crema, tub pentru uz localPromoveaza vindecarea ranilor si previne infectiaHyalo4 Plus este un preparat topic format din acid hialuronic ca component principal.Hyalo4 Plus este indicat pentru gestionarea leziunilor cutanate, in special a cel..
134.01Lei 167.51Lei
Ex Tax:112.61Lei
Branduri: Olvos Science
Gel de vindecareAmelioreaza durereaProtejeaza impotriva reinfectariiIdeal pentru adulti si copii miciPotrivit pentru rani, arsuri si ulcereFlamigel(r) este un plasture hidroactiv sub forma de gel coloidal, care acopera si protejeaza rana.Flamigel(r) are grija de micromediul ranii. In special, datori..
30.88Lei 41.17Lei
Ex Tax:25.95Lei
Branduri: BAYER
Product DescriptionWound healing gel
4 in 1
For the entire family
Suitable for vegans
Clinically testedBepanthene Hydrogel Wound Healing Gel provides clinically proven complete healing and is more effective compared to the simple patch after 12 days of use. *
Thanks to the specia..
39.06Lei 50.73Lei
Ex Tax:32.82Lei
Branduri: Hartmann
DescriptionSelf-adhesive fixing tape made of porous, transparent membrane with polyacrylic adhesive material, for protection against dirt and fixation of dressings or bandages. The adhesive and the porous structure of the membrane are 100% permeable to air and steam, protecting against skin ..
4.78Lei 5.97Lei
Ex Tax:4.01Lei
Branduri: Hartmann
DescriptionSelf-adhesive fixing tape made of porous, transparent membrane with polyacrylic adhesive material, for protection against dirt and fixation of dressings or bandages. The adhesive and the porous structure of the membrane are 100% breathable and steam-permeable, protecting against s..
6.96Lei 8.69Lei
Ex Tax:5.85Lei
Branduri: Hartmann
DescriptionSelf-adhesive fixing tape made of porous, transparent membrane with polyacrylic adhesive material, for protection against dirt and fixation of dressings or bandages. The adhesive and the porous structure of the membrane are 100% permeable to air and steam, protecting against skin ..
13.45Lei 16.81Lei
Ex Tax:11.30Lei
Branduri: Hartmann
DescriptionWoven fixation tape Omniplast by Hartmann, extremely stable and durable.BenefitsHypoallergenic adhesive fixation tape.
Made of woven material in the color of the skin.
Extremely flexible and durable.Manufacturer
5.82Lei 7.28Lei
Ex Tax:4.89Lei
Branduri: Hartmann
DescriptionWoven fixation tape Omniplast by Hartmann, extremely stable and durable.BenefitsHypoallergenic adhesive fixation tape.
Made of woven material in the color of the skin.
Extremely flexible and durable.Manufacturer
8.00Lei 10.00Lei
Ex Tax:6.73Lei
Branduri: Hartmann
DescriptionWoven fixation tape Omniplast by Hartmann, extremely stable and durable.BenefitsHypoallergenic adhesive fixation tape.
Made of woven material in the color of the skin.
Extremely flexible and durable.Manufacturer
16.13Lei 20.17Lei
Ex Tax:13.56Lei
Branduri: Hartmann
DescriptionHypoallergenic adhesive fixation tape, made of white synthetic silk. Designed to allow the skin to breathe while repelling water.Features & BenefitsWith adhesive material made of synthetic rubber in a striped pattern
Impregnated with water repelle..
5.28Lei 6.60Lei
Ex Tax:4.44Lei
Branduri: Hartmann
DescriptionHypoallergenic adhesive fixation tape, made of white synthetic silk. Designed to allow the skin to breathe while repelling water.Features & BenefitsWith adhesive material made of synthetic rubber in a striped pattern
Impregnated with water repelle..
7.58Lei 9.48Lei
Ex Tax:6.37Lei
Branduri: Hartmann
Features & BenefitsWith adhesive material made of synthetic rubber in a striped pattern
Impregnated with water repellent material
Extremely breathable
Has serrated edges for better fixation and easy cutting
Can be easily removed without leaving residue
Suitable for pati..
14.83Lei 18.54Lei
Ex Tax:12.47Lei
Branduri: Hartmann
Dressing that minimizes the risk of leakage and injury to the wound while protecting it from bacteria. It is trauma-free as it is painlessly removed without leaving residues. It consists of a porous adhesive gauze layer, hypoallergenic and breathable, which protects against microorganisms. Its adhes..
26.78Lei 33.47Lei
Ex Tax:22.50Lei
Branduri: Hemagel
SpecificationsProduct Detailswith Balsam: NoType: SuppositoriesUsage: HemorrhoidsQuantityPieces: 5 pcs..
Ex Tax:63.78Lei
Branduri: Mediline
Plastic ice pack for cool food and drinks at any time!Simplifies food storage and transportation.Safe and non-toxic packaging...
Ex Tax:3.00Lei
Branduri: Epsilon Health
Repairing cream
With beta-glucans, hyaluronic acid & alginates
Burns-minor wounds-skin irritation-ulcers
For the whole family
Clinically & microbiologically testedNeoviderm Skin Emulsion is a repairing and soothing cream-emulsion for the care of skin with 1st and 2nd degree burn..
76.10Lei 95.12Lei
Ex Tax:63.95Lei
Branduri: Pic Solution
DescriptionStrong yet breathable adhesive plasters, designed for use by everyone, with antibacterial chlorhexidine pad.
Protect your wound from the risk of infection, thanks to the broad spectrum protection provided by the chlorhexidine that is impregnated ..
15.09Lei 18.86Lei
Ex Tax:12.68Lei
Branduri: Pic Solution
Tampoane autoadezive antibacteriene din material netesut, cu un tampon care contine clorhexidina, care este deosebit de prietenoasa cu pielea.Acestea protejeaza rana de riscul de infectie, datorita gamei largi de protectie oferita de clorhexidina.Sunt flexibile si pot fi adaptate chiar si celor mai ..
15.09Lei 18.86Lei
Ex Tax:12.68Lei
Branduri: Pic Solution
Tampoane autoadezive antibacteriene din material netesut, cu un tampon care contine clorhexidina, care este deosebit de prietenoasa cu pielea.Acestea protejeaza rana de riscul de infectie, datorita gamei largi de protectie oferita de clorhexidina.Sunt flexibile si pot fi adaptate chiar si celor mai ..
15.09Lei 18.86Lei
Ex Tax:12.68Lei
Branduri: Pic Solution
DescriptionSelf-adhesive plasters made of non-woven material, specially designed for surgical wounds, with chlorhexidine antibacterial dressing that breathes and absorbs exceptionally.After surgery or suturing or during the treatment of large-scale wounds, a plaster that combin..
13.62Lei 17.02Lei
Ex Tax:11.44Lei
Branduri: Pic Solution
Product DescriptionWaterproof
With a special antibacterial pad
TransparentPic Solution AquaBloc is a slim, transparent waterproof dressing containing an antibacterial chlorhexidine pad. Pool, sea or shower are no longer a problem.
After having an operation or receiving stitches, or..
17.77Lei 22.21Lei
Ex Tax:14.93Lei
Branduri: Pic Solution
DescriptionStrong but breathable adhesive plasters, designed for use by everyone, with antibacterial chlorhexidine pad.They protect your wound from the risk of infection, thanks to the broad spectrum protection provided by the chlorhexidine that is impregnated in..
12.53Lei 15.66Lei
Ex Tax:10.53Lei
Frezyderm First Aid Butter treats bumps, sores and bruises on the face and body. Its formula is enriched with herbal extracts, polysaccharides and flavonoids, which have therapeutic and relieving properties.Parabens FreeVita4you makes every effort to ensure that the information ..
61.47Lei 81.96Lei
Ex Tax:51.65Lei
Branduri: Fidia
Sare de sodiu acid hialuronic 0,25%Ag (argint metalic)Vitamina EPulverizare pulbereUn spray usor de aplicat care ajuta la vindecarea ranilor si protejeaza de contaminarea microbianaTratamentul leziunilor cutanate neinfectate (de exemplu, abraziuni, zgarieturi, piele crapata, taieturi, rani chirurgic..
144.90Lei 181.13Lei
Ex Tax:121.77Lei
Branduri: PROTECTA
Preparat insecticid-acaricid piretroid gata de utilizare pentru combaterea mustelor (muste, tantari), insectelor plimbatoare (gandaci, furnici, purici, plosnite) si acarienilor.Potrivit si pentru uz amatorCu o singura aplicatie ne confruntam cu multe probleme diferite in acelasi timp.Formulare: solu..
52.74Lei 65.92Lei
Ex Tax:44.32Lei
Branduri: PharmaQ
Product DescriptionWarts
Monochloroacetic acid
Suitable for Common & Plantar wartsAcetocaustin is a topical solution for warts, with the active ingredient monochloroacetic acid being applied only once a week.
Suitable for common and plantar warts:As monotherapy
93.27Lei 116.59Lei
Ex Tax:78.38LeiShowing 1 to 41 of 41 (1 Pages)